Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Banabe Barnes, 1593: Madrigall VI

Barnaby Barnes: 1593
Parthenophil means one who loves young women platonically.
Parthenophe was a siren in Homer's "Ulysses".

Barnabe Barnes Parthenophil and Parthenophe (1593): Madrigall VI

Oh why lou'd I? for loue to purchase hatred,
     Or wherefore hates she? but that I should loue her,
     Why were these cheekes with teares bewatred?
     Because my teares might quenche those sparkes,
         Which with heates pitie moue her:
     Her cloudie frowne with mist her bewtie darkes,
     To make it seeme obscured at my smyles,
         In darke true Dyamonds will shine.
     Her hate my loue, her heate my teares beguyles:
Feare makes her doubtfull, yet her hart is mine.


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